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This half-term, we are exploring the Christian Value of...


Jesus was called the 'servant king'; His mission was to serve God and to serve all those that He met - through His teaching, His example and the way that He led His life.  Jesus said that He 'came not to be served, but to serve' and to give His life as a ransom for many.'  We saw that at the Last Supper, when Jesus washed the feet of His disciples.   This turned the normal relationship between master and disciple, leader and follower, upside down.  His message was clear - "Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another's feet.  I have set you an example that you should do as I have done."

Together in school, we will be exploring how serving God means serving others - looking for the opportunities in each day that we can support each other and our community.  



Please click here to download the 'Home School Values sheet' for this half-term.  This is an opportunity for parents to explore our focus value at home with their children.  There are a variety of activities included and parents will need to use their discretion when deciding which parts are most appropriate to the age of their children.  We hope that you enjoy sharing it together.  

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