If you are interested in a place for your child in the Nursery please complete an ‘Expression of Interest’ form here:
We look forward to hearing from you.
Sessions As you know, there will be one class with up to 26 children in at any one time. During core hours, learning will be led by Mrs Lockey and at least one other Nursery practitioner. Core Nursery hours will be available on a morning from 9:00 until 12pm and, on an afternoon, from 12 until 3pm. Our start and finish times have been organised around our current school day to enable us to stagger the number of families arriving and leaving school premises (as we already do with our children in Reception – Year 6). This will also ensure that your children are not overwhelmed by the number of people at the gate. If you would like to purchase core hours on top of these, you can request these via the link below. Payment is required via ParentPay at a cost of £5.10 per hour.
Wraparound care Between 7:45am - 9:00am and 3pm - 5:30pm, wraparound care will be available in the Nursery classroom. Wraparound care will be charged by the session, rather than the hour, to make this easier for parents and will include breakfast/afternoon tea:
7:45 – 9:00am £5.50
3pm – 4:30pm £7:50
3pm – 5:30pm £10.00
For parents who have older children already in school who require care around pick-up and drop-off times only but won’t require breakfast/afternoon tea, there will be a nominal charge of £2.50 per day (£12.50 per week). All sessions are to be paid for via Parent Pay. You will also be able to use the government childcare vouchers to pay for wraparound care. Nursery and wrap-around care late pick up fees will be charged at the hourly rate of £5.10, until 17:45 where they will increase to £10 per 15 minutes after the first 15 minutes late.
Lunches For children who attend morning or both sessions in a day, they will be able to have lunch in school. You can choose whether to provide a packed lunch or purchase a school lunch for your child. A school meal will cost £2.30 per day and can be paid for on ParentPay. Children eligible for Free School Meals are entitled to a free school meal where they attend either the morning or morning and afternoon sessions in any day.
Free healthy snacks of fruit and vegetables will be provided throughout the day and free milk is provided to all under 5 year olds.