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We are also delighted to be a part of the    Durham and Newcastle Diocesan Learning Trust. 

You can access their website here:    


Welcome to
Heighington CE Primary School

                                'LIFE IN ALL ITS FULLNESS' (JOHN 10:10)

It is our pleasure to welcome you to Heighington CE Primary.  We are very proud of our school and are delighted to share it with you. 

As you browse our website, we hope to give you an insight into the life of our school, our values and our ethos.  


There is, of course, nothing better than seeing it first-hand, and so we invite you to come and meet with us and see for yourself why Heighington CE Primary School is a  great choice for your children. 


  • 'There is a strong inclusive ethos that reflects the Christian values of the school. Pupils are proud of their school and welcome all visitors with warm smiles.  They are polite and respectful.' 
    Ofsted 2019
  • 'The distinctive Christian character of the school makes a significant contribution to the children's personal development, wellbeing and academic achievement'  SIAMS 2018